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Sunnyfields Primary

Helping with Phonics

Phonics in school

At Sunnyfields, phonics is taught using the structured Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) programme. Lessons are taught daily for 20-25 minutes. The children’s phonic ability is assessed regularly to monitor the progress and target interventions where necessary.

For information about phonics progression at Sunnyfields, please click here.

At the end of Year 1, children participate in the national phonics screening check which comprises of 40 words. Of these 40 words, 20 are real words and 20 are pseudo or non-words (alien). To find out more about the phonics check, click here

Below is short video which shows how each of the sounds are pronounced:


It is vital that what children have learned in phonics is applied to their reading so please read with your children for 20 minutes every day. For help on how to support your children with their reading at home, please click here.