Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) provides a vital foundation for the spiritual development of children in preparing them for adult life.Our vision at Sunnyfields is to provide effective RE in order to help pupils become confident and fulfilled adults, able to explore the fundamental questions of human existence.
We recognise that the children at Sunnyfields are religiously diverse. This diversity provides rich opportunities for children to learn from one another and to develop respect for one another and religious tolerance.
We believe that RE contributes to education by giving all children the opportunity to express their unique experiences and, at the same time, focusing on human experiences common to all.
What we want to achieve
At Sunnyfields, class teachers ensure children are offered a variety of experiences within their lessons, for example, to handle artefacts, examine photographs or cook religious food as well as opportunities to discuss religious ideas and beliefs so that RE is as stimulating and interesting as possible.
Children also have the opportunity to visit places of worship and meet parents and other visitors from local religious communities. Teachers encourage children to consider the similarities between religions as well as appreciating the differences between faiths and remind children about the importance of respect and tolerance. Worldviews and philosophical ideas are also discussed and debated, with children answering and asking ultimate questions posed by these.
Class teachers plan the work with the children following the themes outlined in the Curriculum Map. The units in the Curriculum Map reflect those outlined in the Barnet Agreed Syllabus.
Click here to see our Religious Education Curriculum Map
As a result of effective RE, our objective is to see children able to:
- discuss religious and philosophical questions, giving reasons for their own beliefs and those of others;
- reflect on their own and others insights into life, its origin, purpose and meaning and express their beliefs;
- appreciate that religions share similarities as well as differences and recognise that diverse religions are global.
Children will be encouraged to consider their progress in developing religious knowledge and understanding.
Teachers will make informal assessments of a child’s progress through their own observations when outlining lesson objectives, during plenary sessions and throughout class based work. Children will also be presented with opportunities for reflection on their own learning and attitudes. Opportunities for peer and self- assessment will further inform the teacher and inform planning and further differentiated support for pupils. The subject leader will carry out learning walks, book scrutinies and offer support in teaching RE, if needed.